Helping You Understand the Purpose and Functions of Different Fences

Helping You Understand the Purpose and Functions of Different Fences

4 Business Types That Will Benefit from a Fencing Installation

by Devon Ramos

A barbed or razor wire fence is a worthwhile investment if you want to improve security on your business premises. Both fence types have heavy wires with sharp edges. The sharp edges of the barbed wire come from folding the wire and exposing the edges. Razor wire has pointed strips of steel tape. A competent commercial fence contractor will know how to install the fence and place the barbed or razor wire at the top to deter climbing. Here are some specific businesses that would benefit from these fence types.

Auto Repair Garages

Generally, auto repair shops deal with stocks of costly tools and machinery. Thus, if you own this type of business, you have to safeguard your goods by all means possible since losing them can cause unimaginable losses. 

Installing barbed or razor wire on your garage minimizes the chances of burglars targeting your property. And even if they attempt to enter the premises, passing the large equipment over the razor-sharp wire is impossible. However, it is advisable to combine chain link fencing with razor wire for added security.


Generally, all businesses should take the necessary precautions against burglary attacks and vandalism. However, some companies suffer more risks than others depending on the goods stocked on the premises.

For instance, pharmaceutical businesses are an easy target for thieves who aim to steal and resell the drugs and medical equipment in backstreet markets. For that reason, you should add a layer of protection to your business using a razor or barbed wire.

A Construction Yard

Construction is a process that takes anywhere between several months to a year. Additionally, most projects involve leasing or buying heavy-duty machinery like forklifts, excavators, scaffolding, cement mixers, or other highly-priced construction equipment.

Moreover, you'll sometimes need to store some construction materials like concrete blocks, door frames, windows, and steel wires on the construction site. Because of that, you will need ample security to protect these items from theft, which could be a massive setback. Barbed or razor wire fences are an excellent choice in this case.

Commercial Farms

Commercial farms need barbed wire fencing or razor wires because of the unpredictable nature of animals. You do not want children or adults to suffer injuries that could lead to liabilities when an animal jumps over the fence.

Barbed and razor wire are suitable commercial fence solutions in the above businesses. However, you need to work with a professional fence contractor to ensure the installation of a fence that meets your security needs.


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Helping You Understand the Purpose and Functions of Different Fences

Fences can serve so many purposes. They can be used to beautify your home. They can be used to keep your business location secure. They can be used to fence around a playground or pool area and keep it safe. Or they can be used to fence in livestock or protect your garden. Different fences are needed for each of the different situations described above. We are here to help you learn what type of fence is best for your case so that you can choose a fence that will serve your purpose. Read on to learn more about the wonderful world of fences!


